We need an Indian Army:
We believe our nation Army, they are primary force to protect all over country for enemies. Objective is protect and survive our country people from everything with force. Indian Army is the 2nd largest army in the world. It is specialised in controlling over land. The Army Headquarter with his responsibility Of the Indian Army it include maintaining & security ,protecting India from external & internal enemies. Our soldier day night hard struggle doing for our safety, duty on the Indian border place for piece. Indian Army compromise lots of things for surviving of nation. They are very strong soldiers in Indian Army in whole world.
America and many develop country believe in strength of Indian Army.
Soldier Life & their families:
Military life can be challenging for soldiers and their families. In addition to the typical
day-to-day challenges that all people face, this population experiences unique stresses
related to military life, such as the frequent moves and military deployments generated
by more than a decade of combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Recognizing these
stresses and the problems they create, the Army has established a wide range of programs
to help the affected parties cope. Previous surveys have typically focused on assessing the
programs themselves—whether soldiers and their families know about the programs, use
their services, and how satisfied they are with those services—rather than a holistic assessment
of the challenges they face, how they go about getting help with those challenges,
and whether their needs are met.